Spark-Space FAQs
Is my usage logged anywhere?
The program usage data is ONLY stored on the computer (or mobile device) where the software is installed. It is NOT transferred to anybody, not analysed, not cross referenced or anything. We do not capture any usage data. [Note that this is different ...
License Activation
General Information All our software is licensed. As a user, you do not own the software but you purchase a right to its use. Please consult our EULA that came bundled with your software for more information. License Key A license key is an ...
License Types
Introduction This document describes the different license types that are supported by BioSilico software. You may not be able to buy every type of license. License Activation BioSilico software requires node locking through an activation mechanism. ...
I cannot find the answer to my question
We are working to update our FAQs from questions submitted by our users. However, if your question isn’t listed, please submit a ticket.
Who is Spark-Space?
Spark-Space is a previous brand of BioSilico, creators of; ideamapper (previously): Spark Leaner Spark Basic Spark Student ideamapper K12 (previously): ideamapper4Kids ideampper Higher (previously): ideamapper4Students ideamapper Pro (previously): ...