Who are BioSilico, the creators of Essay Writer?
Limited are the creators of ideamapper, Essay Writer, Microbreak & Get
Over It. We use the latest advances in computing and software
technology to create advanced solutions in varied fields of applications.
Our vision is to
use our technological and scientific knowledge and skills which we have gained
over many years to create solutions for complex real-world problems.
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Essay Writer Tutorials | Update
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Please note that these are beta version of our software which are still undergoing final testing before its official release. The software and all content found on it are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not give any warranties, ...
Download Essay Writer
Click here to view the release notes. Please note: The trial and retail versions of the installers are the same. When you start the software for the first time the Licensing Wizard will ask for a license key, here you can choose to request a trial ...
Does Essay Writer use the cloud?
Upon installation and once installed, Essay Writer does not use the cloud. All data is locally stored on the device it is installed upon.
Can I use Essay Writer offline?
Yes. Once installed ideamapper does not require a connection to be used.