How do I connect Ideamapper to Zotero?

How do I connect Ideamapper to Zotero?

Zotero is a reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials, such as PDF and ePUB files.

There is a Zotero tool within Ideamapper that allows you to connect directly to your Zotero account and import references into Ideamapper.

To integrate Zotero, go to the ‘Tools’ tab in the Ideamapper ribbon and select Zotero.


A Zotero docked window will appear to the right of the program. The window will initially be blank as there is no connection with any account yet. To add your account, click the red plus icon in the right toolbar.

This will launch a web browser window prompting you to log in to your Zotero account.


Once logged in, Zotero will ask you to grant permission to connect the account to Ideamapper.

When Zotero has successfully connected, the docked window will update in Ideamapper, showing your account. You can then see your references.

To add references into Ideamapper, either drag and drop or copy and paste the reference into the map or text view.  
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